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Very recently published data states that the number of COVID-related deaths in 2021 was higher than in 2020, despite the larger amount of people who are vaccinated. Furthermore, we are...
Coping with Stress – 5 Strategies Do you sometimes feel that stress has such a tight grip on your life that trying to relax gives you even more anxiety? When...
Lifestyle changes can decrease the risks associated chronic migraines. Adolescents who smoke, are overweight, or are inactive face increased risk for recurrent headaches, according to a cross-sectional study in Neurology....
What is gut health, and why does it matter? Up until a few decades ago, no one would’ve guessed that the “gut” — the collection of organs and structures that...
How many times this week have you said: “I’m going to bed early tonight,” only to find yourself mindlessly scrolling through social media or watching television until 3:00 am? It...
It’s 9:00 am on a Monday, and you’re ready to start the week. You’ve written a to-do list, brewed yourself a nice cup of coffee, and turned on the computer....
Do You Really Need to Wash Fruits and Vegetables Before Eating? With so many differences of opinion when it comes to the proper way of washing produce, and whether or...
How to Maintain a Healthier Brain Your brain and spinal cord — together, the central nervous system — control every single aspect of your existence. They’re responsible for every thought,...
If you struggle with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you’ve probably heard of the low FODMAP diet. FODMAP stands for fermentable oligo, di-, monosaccharides and polyols (phew, try saying that five...
In a world teeming with processed foods and synthetic medications, finding natural ways to support your health and improve everyday concerns like anxiety and fatigue has never been more important....