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Search Results for: what is a migraine

10 Migraine Facts & Statistics that Everyone Needs to Know

Migraine is the second leading cause of disability in the United States and the third most prevalent illness in the world. For those of us who experience these debilitating symptoms,...

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Military Migraine
Honoring the Resilience: Migraine in the Military Service

The Invisible Battle If you suffer from migraine headaches, you understand how debilitating and incapacitating they can be. Now, imagine enduring the rigorous training that soldiers undergo while experiencing a...

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hemiplegic migraine
Hemiplegic Migraine or Stroke? How To Tell the Difference

Although nearly 40 million people in the United States struggle with migraines on a regular basis, only 1% of migraineurs get hemiplegic migraines. About 25% of migraine patients experience aura.1...

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Circadian Clock and the Brain
The Clockwork Migraine: When Head Pain Strikes Like Clockwork

If you’re one of those people who experience migraines at the same time every day, you’re not alone – and there’s a scientific reason behind this maddening pattern. It’s all...

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Woman with Acid Reflux
Acid Reflux Therapy and Migraine – What You Need to Know

Exploring the Link Between Acid-Suppression and Migraine Acid reflux and related gastrointestinal conditions are common disorders affecting millions of people worldwide. To manage these conditions, healthcare providers often prescribe proton...

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Woman with Let Down Migraine
Migraine “Let-Down” Headache: What It Is & How to Prevent

Picture this: You made it through a grueling week at work and sailed through it migraine-free. But when you wake up Saturday morning, WHAM! A migraine hits. Sound familiar? If...

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Interictal Migraine symptoms
Interictal Migraine Phase: The ‘In Between State’

There’s a misconception that symptoms disappear between migraine attacks. But that’s not always the case. Migraine is not just a headache disorder. It’s a complex neurological disease where symptoms occur...

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Victorian woman with migraine
CoQ10 and migraine
Depressed Woman
Groundhog's day and winter