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General Migraine Facts The word migraine comes from the Greek “hemicrania” and means “half-headed”, because of the stabbing or pulsating pain that is frequently experienced on one side of the...
Debilitating migraines should not be a way of life but for many men, women and children suffering chronic migraines (many migraine days each month)… they, unfortunately, are. Migraine treatments can...
In November 2017, the American Heart Association redefined high blood pressure. Originally high blood pressure was defined as 140/90 or higher and if people could not get below those numbers...
All of us at Akeso Health Sciences would like to wish our MigreLief fans, both patients and health care professionals a wonderful and migraine free Thanksgiving. We are thankful that...
Migraine Prevention Drugs, Topiramate and Amitriptyline Prove No Better than Placebo in Children Akeso Health Sciences attended annual conferences of the AAP (American Association of Pediatricians) and the CNS (Child...
Some people believe type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes) only occurs in middle aged or older people, this is not true. In fact, the incidence of type 2 diabetes is...
Migraines that result in severe distortion and perception of what the sufferer is viewing are known as the Alice In Wonderland Syndrome. Hallucinations can be very disturbing to the migraine...
These Nutritional Ingredients May Improve Memory and Reduce Stress at the Same Time Stress is something that affects everyone, whether you are a parent, grandparent, busy professionals or college student…...
As June and Migraine Awareness Month winds down, let us not forget that children and babies get migraines too! This disabling disorder significantly impacts the quality of life of both...
The herb Feverfew (Tanacetum Parthenium) has been recorded as a medicinal remedy for millennia. One can find references to the Latin “febrefugia” from which Feverfew gets its name in Old...
Eggs are very healthy for you and do not affect cholesterol the way you were led to believe! Get the facts about eggs once and for all.