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Possibly as Dangerous to Your Health as Smoking or Poor Diet… Over 50% of Adults Experience THIS Multiple Times a Week and Don’t Realize How Serious It May Be If...
If You’re NOT Supplementing with THIS Vitamin on a Daily Basis at THIS Amount …You Need to Start NOW! I am hard pressed to name a single vitamin that has...
Pain experience is individual. Everyone experiences pain differently, due to so many varying factors. Your current state of health, including whether or not other diseases are present, childhood experiences, mood,...
Where to find MigreLief products: Click HERE to go to MigreLief’s Store Locator If your local pharmacy does not carry MigreLief, you can ask the pharmacist to order it and...
I read reams of newly published scientific and medical studies published in peer-reviewed journals every month. It seems that barely a week goes by where I don’t read an article...
Can the pain pills you take for your headaches and migraines, menstrual pain, back aches and arthritis put you at risk for liver damage/failure, kidney damage, increased stroke risk, bleeding,...
How many of your patients or customers (If you are a pharmacist) chronically administer either NSAIDs or prescription options in attempt to control their pain? The business of pills for...
NOW AVAILABLE! MigreLief-NOW An all new dietary supplement that can be taken AS NEEDED for as-need cerebrovascular support during difficult times. Unlike MigreLief Original Formula, MigreLief+M and Children’s MigreLief which...
It is well-known and documented that a significant percentage of women, who suffer from migraines, have attacks that are related to the hormonal fluctuations that occur with menstruation. Many of...
The HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine is routinely recommended for girls 11 and 12 years of age. Doctors may give it to girls as young as 9, It has also been...
Migraines and Behavior in Children Is There a Link? By Colleen Doherty, MD It’s hard to imagine your child lying in a dark room with a cold, wet cloth over...
Lots of people enjoy the taste of something sweet and I’m one of them. The problem is that sugar, more so than fat, is probably responsible for much of the...