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Not only does diet soda not help you to lose weight, it can harm brain cells. And if that’s not scary enough, it can increase the risk of heart attack,...
For most chronic migraine sufferers, trying to control and/or eliminate their almost daily migraines seems like “Mission Impossible”. But with MigreLief, it’s ‘mission accomplished’ for literally tens of thousands of...
It seems to be clear from multiple studies that women are more vulnerable to the negative effects of alcohol consumption. Because women have less water in their bodies than men,...
HEADACHES/MIGRAINES IMPAIR ATTENTION IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS AND MAY NEGATIVELY IMPACT LEARNING It is difficult enough for children to perform academically at acceptable levels in school. The last thing they...
Those of you who suffer with migraine headaches know how debilitating and incapacitating they are. Imagine going through the training that soldiers have to go through while suffering from a...
Natural Options For Treatment Though not a topic many people like to discuss, constipation, especially in women, is quite common. If it occurs just occasionally, that is relatively normal and...
A group of men and women were asked to examine photographs of two different women who were the same age and height. One of the women weighed 105 lbs. and...
Prescription pain killers such as Vicodin (hydrocodone) OxyContin (oxycodone), Opana (oxymorphone) and methadone can cause significant rebound headaches in chronic migraineurs who use these drugs. The over-use of these drugs...
Dr. Marc Siegel and Dr. David Samadi weighed in on Fox News Live this morning regarding a recent study that supports a connection between migraines and depression. He stated, “90%...
December 1st is World AIDS Day. Women comprise 25% of all HIV and AIDS diagnoses in the U.S.
Researchers at the City of Hope National Medical Center in California studied over 130,000 women 45 years or older who had both ovaries removed. The study was published in the...
Whether for back pain, arthritis pain, headaches or general body aches, tens of millions of people use pain killing medications on a daily basis. Recent FDA concerns about the safety...