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Bacopa Monnieri Health Benefits

5 Benefits of Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa monnieri, also known as water hyssop, is a creeping perennial herb native to the warm wetlands of India and Australia. It has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, where it’s  called “Brahmi,” after the god Brahma, who is the supreme intellectual of the universe.  The benefits of bacopa monnieri are believed to be many. It is said that ancient Ayurvedic scholars used the herb to sharpen the intellect and memorize lengthy academic texts. Nowadays, bacopa is categorized as...
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Gut Health

5 Facts About the Gut You May Not Know

Your gastrointestinal tract – GI or “gut” for short – is a group of organs that start at the mouth and end at the rectum. Its main job is to break down, digest, and absorb food to turn it into the energy and nutrients you need to survive. But the gut is also home to the gut flora or microbiome, a complex world of up to 1,000 bacterial species and other microorganisms that benefit and influence many aspects of human...
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