Cephalgiaphobia: A Vicious Cycle
Cephalgiaphobia is a psychological state that has been linked to prompting and sustaining the overuse of medication.
According to a recent study, published in the Journal of Headache Pain, frequent migraines can lead to a fear of migraines, and a fear of migraines can lead to increased migraine frequency.
Depression and anxiety are common with chronic migraine sufferers. The link between migraine and lifetime anxiety disorders (panic, obsessive-compulsive disorders, generalized anxiety, phobias) has been described in both clinical and population-based studies.

Cephalalgiaphobia and depression are often linked
A headache or Cephalalgia is pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. Cephalgiaphobia is fear of having a headache, or fear of the next headache during the time you are pain free. This fear may induce patients to use analgesic medication in the absence of pain to prevent headaches and to improve their performances.
A recent study was aimed at assessing if cephalalgiaphobia is related to migraine frequency or medication overuse, and if it can increase migraine frequency. This term is not only used for patients that are fearful of headache pain, but also for those exhibiting pain-panic.
Pain-panic situation is described as a significant and uncontrolled fear over anticipated painful events, which can prompt excessive and obsessive drug-taking behavior and, ultimately, medication overuse (prescription or OTC pain killers). Medication overuse in turn can lead to more pain in the form of MOH or medication overuse headaches.
In a recent pilot study, moderate-high migraine frequency was associated with higher risk of cephalalgiaphobia. Chronic migraineurs with medication overuse had a higher score of cephalalgiaphobia than those without medication overuse. Patients with increased migraine frequency had higher cephalalgiaphobia.
The study concluded Cephalalgiaphobia may represent a high-frequency migraine feature and may play a role in chronicization. Therefore, it should be better investigated by clinicians and treated or prevented in order to reduce the risk of disability and the increase in migraine frequency.
Study details here.
Chronic migraine sufferers in general, including those at risk of becoming chronic are great candidates for migraine prevention. MigreLief should be part of any chronic migraine sufferers preventive regimen.
Why MigreLief Works:
Many things can happen physiologically that can contribute to migraines occurring.
When chronic migraine sufferers get these factors under control:
- Maintain normal platelet aggregation
- Reduce or eliminate vasospasms
- Maintain normal mitochondrial energy reserves in the brain
The beneficial results can be life altering. MigreLief addresses these factors along with the underlying nutritional deficiencies and imbalances that can cause migraines which is why MigreLief has been recommended by leading headache specialists and top headache clinics.
Prevention is KEY to controlling migraines
When temporary relief is not an option, opt for long term relief. If your chronic migraines are due to MOH and you are experiencing rebound headaches, it may be time to detox in order to break the vicious cycle of recurring migraines.
Learn more about MigreLief and beating medication overuse headaches