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  • Migraine & Headache

Belly Fat and Migraine Risk

Under: Migraine & Headache

Is there a connection with belly fat and migraine risk?

In a paper presented at the American Academy of Neurology, a recent study suggested that patients between the ages of 20-55 ( both men and women but especially women) who had a bigger waistline, particularly with excess fat around the stomach, were at increased risk of experiencing migraines. Waist circumference was found to be a better predictor of migraine activity than general obesity in both men and women up until age 55.

Earlier research has linked obesity with an increase in the frequency of migraines in people who already have them. But the new study is one of the few to suggest that obesity raises the overall risk for migraines.

The fat cells can release inflammatory proteins called cytokines, which may play a role in causing migraines. Gentle, but consistent aerobic exercise with moderate calorie reduction can help reduce abdominal fat and help chronic migraineurs.

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