In society today, parents have so many things to worry about when it comes to their children. The behavior of other children is usually high on any parents’ concern list. The stress caused to a child by a bully is unimaginable and it is difficult to ease their pain, and both emotional and physical stress. Now imagine helping your child cope with an unseen bully who strikes viciously without warning. Most parents would risk life and limb to protect their child, but what happens if this vicious bully is not flesh and blood, but an acute medical condition?
On the government sponsored anti-bullying website, bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children, which involve a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Likewise, migraine attacks are known to come on quickly and attack aggressively, usually with no warning. Migraines can be very frightening and can be hard to get a handle on for anyone, especially children.
Like a bully who terrorizes your child, causes pain and harms their self-esteem, frequent migraines and headache attacks can also sabotage your child’s long-term well-being. Some people believe bullying is a part of growing up and it provides kids an opportunity to stand up to those who are stronger than them. In the same way, people often dismiss children’s migraines believing they will eventually go away on their own. Unfortunately, migraines often persist long into adulthood for many sufferers as a matter of fact, half of all adults with migraines had their first attack before the age of 12. Frequent migraines and headaches can have long-term negative consequences as they often hinder your child’s performance at school, damage their self-esteem and lead to depression.
Parents and Health Care Professionals Now Have a Safe Option for Children with Migraines

Do your kids suffer from migraine?
It is almost certain that children who suffer from migraine headaches have the same stress in their lives as children who are terrorized by bullies at school. When a child is bullied, they experience daily fear, knowing the terror is coming, much like migraine sufferers live with the stress of knowing an onset could arise at any time. Victims of bullying feel trapped, helpless and small. Unable to deal with their problem, they display physical symptoms like stress headaches, stomach-ache, agitation, restlessness, changes in appetite, dizziness, and general aches and pains. Psychological symptoms often include irritability, anxiety, sadness, trouble sleeping, and tiredness in the mornings, loneliness, helplessness, and feeling isolated.
Children with recurring migraines experience these same symptoms and are very likely to miss school and other activities. Research shows almost 80% of children who suffer from migraines have trouble coping with normal day-to-day routines. The sense of vulnerability caused by migraines hinders their performance in school and causes frequent emotional changes, such as anxiety and sadness. Only frequent migraine sufferers know the ultimate sacrifices you have to make in your daily life in order to deal with the pain they bring. Wondering and worrying about the next migraine attack when you feel helpless affects the entire family and is debilitating to both parents and children.
Help and Hope for Children with Migraines
No parent wants to see their child suffer. But so often parents feel helpless too and do just that–standby and watch their child suffer a migraine attack. This is because children do not have many safe options when it comes to fighting migraines. Many prescription and OTC medications are difficult for adults to tolerate much-less children. Many therapies just don’t work. So what is a parent to do?
First of all, never dismiss symptoms of migraine in children. Preschool children may or may not have head pain and merely look ill with abdominal pain and vomiting. They may become irritable, cry, seek out a darkened room and often sleep an hour after onset. After the age of 5 children often experience migraines similar to adults; pulsating pain on one side of the head, visual disturbances (aura), vertigo, and sensitivity to light, sound and smells.
Team MigreLief – A Powerful Force
Recommended by pediatric neurologists nationwide, Children’s MigreLief and MigreLief-NOW can make a world of difference and is a great place to start. Likewise, many people discover MigereLief long after they’ve tried everything else.
Children’s MigreLief (or MigreLief Original for kids over 100 lbs or age 13+) is to be taken twice daily (a.m. and p.m.) to nutritionally support kids with migraines by helping to maintain the normal cerebrovascular tone and function they experience on non-migraine days and by maintaining healthy mitochondrial energy reserves (the powerhouses of cells) in the brain.
MigreLief’s daily formulas (Original or Children’s) is designed to work over a 3-month time frame where it grows in effectiveness. What to do in the meantime???? Our fast-acting formula, MigreLief-NOW was created for those difficult times when you need help most… “Now!”
MigreLief-NOW is Akeso Health Sciences fast-acting formula for adults and children to be taken “as-needed” for on-the-spot neurological comfort. It is important to note that MigreLief-NOW is not meant to replace Children’s MigreLief which must be taken daily. MigreLief-NOW may be kept on hand at all times and taken at the first sign of discomfort. The dose for children is listed on the label (approximately 1/2 the adult dose depending on age). The dose can be repeated in 2 hours if necessary.
Note: Children’s MigreLief caplets can be crushed and sprinkled on food such as applesauce, yogurt etc. for easier swallowing. MigreLief-NOW is a capsule and can be opened and sprinkled on food as well.
NOTE: Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2) is a water-soluble vitamin so what your body doesn’t absorb immediately gets eliminated in urine – hence the possibility of bright yellow urine. This is normal and harmless!
If you have a child or know of a child being bullied by migraines, let MigreLief make a difference.
Although many people experience positive benefits in under 1 month, Children’s MigreLief should be taken for 90 days to build blood levels for maximum effectiveness. We are so confident that our MigreLief daily maintenance formula for children will make a positive difference that we offer a 100% money back guarantee when purchased at or by calling 1-800-758-8746 if you try MigreLief for 90 days (each bottle is a 1 month supply).
Click here for more information or to purchase MigreLief products
To the Best of Health,
Your MigreLief Team at Akeso Health Sciences
**These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Children’s Migrelief and Migrelief-NOW are dietary supplements providing nutritional support found to help migraine sufferers maintain already normal cerebrovascular tone and function and correct certain nutritional shortages or needs.