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Sleep Like Your Life Depends on It… Because It Does!

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Poor Sleep Habits Can Rob Years From Your Life

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Reestablishing healthy sleep patterns is the most powerful tool you can rely on for health, happiness and longevity. If you’re having difficulty sleeping, consider a drug-free, natural formula to promote healthy sleep to make a real difference.

Sleep is required for human life, enabling critical functions such as those involved in cellular regulation and repair, detoxification, immune health, and hormone level modulation.(1-4)  Our physiological homeostasis depends on sleep, yet according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in three adults in the United States does not get enough of it. (5)  Given the inextricable linkage between sleep and health, the CDC has warned about the health risks of inadequate sleep, and federal and industry dollars continue to fund research that can help elucidate the roles of sleep in disease and quality of life and to provide solutions for those who struggle with poor sleep.

Developing and maintaining healthy sleep habits may empower people to reduce their risks of illness and disease. Indeed, poor sleep is associated not only with greater risk for developing a host of health problems, including degenerative diseases, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) but also with a greater risk for suffering debilitating symptoms like migraine headaches and for living a shorter lifespan. (9-16)

What is DEEP SLEEP and why is it important?

Deep sleep is also referred to as “slow-wave sleep” (SWS) or delta sleep.

  • Your heartbeat and breathing become the slowest they’ll be while you are asleep
  • Your brain waves become the slowest they’ll be while you are asleep
  • It’s difficult to awaken even with loud noises

Many people never reach deep sleep and sadly miss out on all of the crucial benefits.

What are the benefits of deep sleep?

Deep sleep is where all of the healing, rejuvenating and cellular repair occurs.  Reaching deep sleep determines whether you will feel refreshed and alert the next day or groggy and unfocused.

Benefits include:

  • energy restoration
  • cell regeneration
  • increased blood supply to muscles
  • growth and repair of tissues and bones
  • promotes a strong immune system

Sleep affects all aspect of life
While sleep allows your body to heal and rejuvenate, sleep loss activates undesirable markers of inflammation and cell damage


• Improves your immune function and protects against cell damage

• Supports proper brain function and improves focus, memory, concentration, learning, and productivity

• Lowers your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, dementia, and obesity

• Increases ‘healthspan” (living longer in a healthier state as opposed to living longer in a debilitated, degenerative state

• Affects glucose metabolism and type 2 diabetes risk

• Short sleep duration is one of the strongest risk factors for obesity.

• Poor sleep is linked to depression (sleep affects emotions and social interactions)

One degenerative disease for which there is a growing wealth of research into the role of sleep is the neurodegenerative disease, Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s disease is the most prevalent cause of dementia in the older population, accounting for 65 to70% of the cases. The formation of amyloid-β (also known as beta-amyloid or Aβ) plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are the hallmarks of the disease.

People with healthy sleep habits are at a lower risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. (10) Those at lower risk are those who do not suffer from insomnia and who do not experience sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), which includes snoring, sleep apnea, and obstructive sleep apnea. The specific role that sleep plays in protecting against dementia is unclear, but studies have shown that insomnia increases both the production and secretion of amyloid-β, leading to higher levels of amyloid-β in those with insomnia as compared to those with healthy sleep patterns. (17)  Research showing that cerebrospinal levels of amyloid-β and its precursor, amyloid precursor protein (APP), are higher at night suggests that it is during sleep that the brain clears itself of these substances. (18) These findings offer some insight into why sleep seems to protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

better sleep habits


The sleep-migraine connection:  Migraines and other forms of headache can be associated with a variety of diseases and conditions, but they are also known to be associated with lack of sleep. Though the relationship between sleep and migraine is complex,(19) it is clear that the two often co-occur. Indeed, disturbed sleep is more common in adults and children with migraine than those without migraines, with between 30% and 50% of migraine patients experiencing disturbed sleep or poor sleep quality.(20-23)  Further, the severity and prevalence of sleep problems increase proportionally with headache frequency, such that the vast majority of chronic migraineurs (68% to 84%) suffer from insomnia on a near-daily basis. (20)

There is evidence that lack of sleep causes migraines and that, conversely, migraines cause loss of sleep. It is therefore likely that migraineurs with disturbed sleep experience a negative feedback loop where migraines and loss of sleep reinforce one another and relief from either condition becomes harder and harder. (20-22)  Nonetheless, restful sleep has been shown to be effective in relieving migraine attacks, strongly suggesting that insufficient sleep causes or exacerbates migraine headaches.

Consistent with this view is the finding that those with migraines are less likely to possess the ability to flexibly adapt their sleep/wake cycles (24) and are thus more likely to become sleep deprived. Even more telling is that lack of sleep is the most commonly reported trigger of headaches. (25,26)


Alternative headache and migraine therapies include psychological counseling, biofeedback, and physical therapy, which work by making lifestyle changes. Non-pharmacological treatments for the management of migraines and headaches have a growing field of science to support their use. Biofeedback techniques teach patients to control certain responses of their body to help reduce pain. For example, a patient can learn diaphragmatic breathing, heart rate, muscle tension, and how to control the temperature to enter a relaxed state, which may bring about better pain control.

Alternative treatments for insomnia and disordered sleep include background music, acupuncture, prayer, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and massage.

Non-pharmacological nutritional therapies include natural supplements for sleep which avoids the serious side effects of prescription drugs. Drug-related side effects include kidney damage, ulcers, dependence, addiction, tolerance development requiring higher doses, rebound insomnia, withdrawal symptoms, and daytime grogginess. (19, 20, 21)

Another aspect of over-the-counter NSAID’s (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and prescription drugs is that analgesic over-use can cause chronic headache syndrome, where the drug increases the number of migraine episodes per month. Nutritional supplements have never been reported to cause this effect. (22, 23)

FORMULA FOR SLEEP – Nutritional ingredients that have been proven in clinical studies to be of great benefit for people who have difficulty sleeping include:

Hops extract comes from the flowers (seed cones) of the hop plant Humulus lupulus. Hops have long been recognized for its relaxation and calming effect. Studies suggest Hops extract may help to improve sleep quality, shorten time to fall asleep, and improve sleep brain wave patterns.

Valerian extract is a perennial herb native to North America, Asia, and Europe. Studies show valerian may improve sleep quality with fewer night awakenings and greater sleep duration. Valerian is also known for stress reduction and is among the eight most widely used herbal supplements in the world.

Zizyphus Jujube extract is a fruit most frequently used for sleep problems in Traditional Chinese Medicine with little side effects. It is also used for purposes related to gastrointestinal health and digestion and is also known for its relaxation and calming effect.

Glycine is an amino acid that enhances sleep and supports whole-body health. Early research on glycine and its essential role in sleep was published in 1989 and later in 2008. One of the ways in which glycine aids in sleep was clarified when it was discovered that glycine is responsible for the profound muscle relaxation that occurs during various stages of REM sleep. In another study, glycine improved sleep efficiency, reduced difficulty in falling asleep, and enhanced sleep satisfaction.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCL) Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCL) helps your body convert food energy into glucose, metabolize fats and proteins, and ensure proper function of your nervous system. With these various effects, there are ways in which your vitamin B-6 status may cause or contribute to your sleeping difficulties, or insomnia. Pyridoxine is considered adequate for neurotransmitter production to support sleep. Studies show that vitamin B6 positively impacts aspects of sleep and is essential for promoting and maintaining a good mood.

Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzyme-related biochemical processes and appears to influence sleep in a variety of ways. Those who are deficient in magnesium are more likely to have abnormal EEG readings during sleep, more nocturnal awakenings, less time spent in stage 5 REM sleep, and self-reports of poor sleep quality. On the other hand, those taking dietary magnesium supplements are more likely to experience better sleep efficiency, the ability to fall asleep faster, and the ability to reduce cortisol levels. Magnesium supplementation also helps to restore normal EEG patterns during sleep.

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland that helps to control our body’s biorhythms and thereby helps to regulate sleep. It has become one of the most frequently used non-prescription sleep aids. Melatonin helps to promote total sleep time and can help balance circadian rhythm disruption.

All of these ingredients are included in a new sleep supplement by Akeso Health Sciences called “Sleep All Night.” 

Sleep All Night is an effective dietary supplement and powerful sleep aide to promote deep restorative sleep.

Healthy Sleep Benefits Include:

• Allows your body to heal and rejuvenate
• Improves immune function
• Protects against cell damage and reduces inflammation
• Supports proper brain function
• Improves focus, memory, concentration, learning, and productivity
• Lowers risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, dementia, and obesity
• Increases “healthspan” (living longer in a healthier state)
• Reduces stress and may reduce depression


Vitamin B6 (Pyridozine HCL) 50 mg
Magnesium (Citrate & Oxide) 250 mg
Glycine 1200 mg
Valerian Root Extract (0.8% valerenic acids) 500 mg
Zizyphus Jujube Extract (2% saponins) 200 mg
Hops Extract 4:1 100 mg
Melatonin 3 mg


Sleep All Night by Akeso Health Sciences

Sleep All Night



Read more about the health benefits of deep sleep and Sleep All Night

Related Article – Reset Your Circadian Rhythm

Purchase Sleep All Night



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